۱۳۸۹ دی ۶, دوشنبه

One Girl's Story

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One Girl's Story
HEAR ME! SEE ME! KNOW MY STORY! LOOK AT ME AND TELL ME YOU KNOW IT REALLY HAPPENED! Just because we don't talk about it, does NOT make it go away... I NEED YOU TO LISTEN. 
I decided that I needed people to know about my life, what happened to me. Although I am afraid to just openly blog, so I am trying it this way first. I need to release some of the venom that has consumed me my entire life. My family has this way of acting as if everything is normal, when truth is, me and both of my siblings appear to be fairly successful, but if you scratch below the surface, we are all screwed up on varying levels. I wonder how adults can be so cruel, so self centered, so unaware that their actions can devastate a child. This is one girl's story, a story about physical abuse, molestation alchololism, drug use, and murder ... this is my story